Exomes | Genomes | Total | |
Filters | No variant | Pass | |
Allele Count | 5768 | 5768 | |
Allele Number | 31368 | 31368 | |
Allele Frequency | 0.1839 | 0.1839 | |
Grpmax Filtering AF (95% confidence) | 0.2758 East Asian | ||
Number of homozygotes | 556 | 556 | |
Mean depth of coverage | – | 32.6 |
464 | 1556 | 69 | 0.2982 | ||
203 | 844 | 26 | 0.2405 | ||
61 | 290 | 5 | 0.2103 | ||
203 | 1084 | 20 | 0.1873 | ||
641 | 3470 | 72 | 0.1847 | ||
2734 | 15410 | 242 | 0.1774 | ||
1462 | 8714 | 122 | 0.1678 | ||
0 | 0 | 0 | - | ||
XX | 2603 | 13912 | 254 | 0.1871 | |
XY | 3165 | 17456 | 302 | 0.1813 | |
Total | 5768 | 31368 | 556 | 0.1839 |
* Allele frequencies for some sub-continental populations were not computed for genome samples.
This variant lifts over to the following GRCh38 variant:
Check if this variant occurs on the same haplotype as another variant.
This variant falls on 1 transcript in 1 gene.
Note The gene symbols shown below are provided by VEP and may differ from the symbol shown on gene pages.
Note: This plot may include low-quality genotypes that were excluded from allele counts in the tables above.
Value: 3.155e+6 (genome samples)
This is the site quality distribution for all genome variants with 0.1 <= AF < 0.2.
Note: These are site-level quality metrics, they may be unpredictable for multi-allelic sites.